Monday, 26 March 2012

One week...

So this past week has been busy. One week to go is crazy! Last weekend was St Paddys day so we had a celebration. Was fun. Been training all week and enjoying our last couple of weeks in Iganga. Really don't want to leave this place. I feel settled and ready for another 3 months. Why does it have to end. It has been an adventure and made me really think about my future career.... Anyway these are some pics from the last week. Will blog tomorrow with more restless work!

St Paddys day celebrations. Guinness took a bit of a battering...

Bujigali Falls on the Saturday evening. Went swimming in the Source of the Nile during the day. What a place.

This is the sunset.

Annie and Toria at Bujigali Falls on the Saturday.

 I have been doing work as well! The past week we have spent training the focal persons for our Respecting the Rights of Women and Children campaign. These people will be the one's in the community co-ordinating our efforts and reporting back to NGO Forum on any activities they perform.This lasted we days and by the end the 14 in attendance were ready to start on their volunteer roles.

One of the facilitators training the focal persons on children's rights.

Some of the local kids outside the training venue.
The 14 focal persons in training. Was an interesting experience.

We had a Fida facilitator come in to facilitate a session on the rights of women.