The work keeps on flowing in! This week we have held three launch events so far, one which I finally have pictures for! The launches are for a new 2 year programme that the organisation I am working for are starting to implement. Funded by the Independant Development Fund the project aims to teach and empower people to 'Respect the rights of the woman and the child'. These launch events have been held in the 3 sub-counties that we are working in. They are basically a meeting of all the local stakeholders to discuss what we are doing and how we can work together to implement this programme. At the end of the launch, we hand out t-shirts to the stakeholders and provide them with lunch. From here we will hold various events, such as theatre productions on human rights, human rights clubs in schools, empowerment meetings; all carrying this messafe of respecting human rights. Here are some pictures from the latest launch.
Nawaningi is the last sub-county that we held a launch in. |
This is where we held the launch. Outside the front of the offices with local councillors, opinion leaders and headteachers. |
These are the t-shirts that we give out. Some are grey others blue and carry either the english or lusoga translation. |
This is Chris the programme co-ordinator handing out the t-shirts. |
These are all the stakeholders at the end for a group picture! |
This was in the local village where the launch was held. It is a borehole where locals come to fill up their gerry cans. | | | | | | | | | |