I thought I would make sure I shared that because it is really funny. I don't know how long it will remain being funny before it starts to grate but for the moment I am enjoying it. I have now moved to my permanent home for the next 2 months in Iganga, Eastern Uganda. It is so much hotter here then where I was before (In between Jinja and Kampala) and I think that it is down to a lack of vegetation. There is no green but just the orange dust from the roads covering everything. It is a gateway town therefore it is built on to the main road that runs from Kenya to Kampala. Everything stretches out from that. I have taken some pictures so will upload them of the area when I get a chance.
I started work on Monday for my CSO known as Inganga District NGO Forum. We are the hub for all the CSOs in the district and organise meetings and networking events between them all once a month. It is a very well run and organised organisation. The work that I will be doing is very varied. It ranges from training new community leaders to become the spokesperson of their community to running human rights sessions in schools.A big focus of theirs which I enjoy is the civic participation angle. They are advocates for democracy so a lot of the work we will be undertaking in the community will be to encourage people to understand their rights and take part in democracy. On top of this we might attend a conference at a higher level where all the districts across Uganda come together to discuss important issues.
I will try to get back on before the end of the week but I don't know how easy it will be. If I can I will upload pictures of Iganga and my new workplace.
This is the website if you want to read more about my CSO:
Chow, Muzungu out