So I am writing this post chilling out after an exhausting (in a good way) sports morning. I am relaxing in Sol Cafe a muzungu hotspot. I have another event to run at 4pm today in a school where we are delivering a talk on Sexual Reproductive Health and then facilitating an afternoon of volleyball and netball. This morning's sports event was for the out of school youths. Tom and I played in a team made up of volunteers and youths against the local football team. Unfortunately we lost 2-0 but the worst part of it is the heat. Trying to play football for an hour with little water in 30 degrees heat is hard. I don't know ho anyone was still running about afterwards. After the sports event we kept all the youths and football teams together so that we could run a session that included condom demonstrations and sti teaching. Overall it was a success. Here are some pictures from it.
This is the local football team that we played against. Boys have got skillz. |
This is Tom and I at half time. Taking in our glucose ready for the second half. Look at that beard! |
Action shot of the football pitch. I was put on the right wing because of my searing pace and silky skillz. |
This is after the football match as the SRH lesson begins. Flyers were handed out and groups were formed to run through the session. |
This is Sarah facilitating the SRH session. She is demonstrating how to put on a male condom to local youths. |
This is Flavia and Brett talking to the football team about SRH, Great picture as it shows the Restless t-shirt at work! |